Saturday, May 7, 2011

Somebody's Hero

"The voice that brings Snow White to life
Bedtime stories every night
And that smile lets her know
She's somebody's hero
                          - Somebody's Hero by Jamie O'Neal

In light of this weekend's celebrated Mother's Day I have decided to write a blog post about my loving and beautiful mother!

My Beautiful Mother
My mom is my hero. For my reasoning behind this, I know I wouldn't have to go any further than saying that she has given birth to and raised eleven children. But, I will, because beyond that unbelievable feat she has conquered so many of life's challenges and has still managed to hold on to her graceful demeanour, let alone her sanity!

"She's never pulled anyone from a burning building
She's never rocked Central Park to a half a million fans, screaming out her name
She's never hit a shot to win the game
She's never left her footprints on the moon
She's never made a solo hot air balloon ride, around the world"

The main message of this song is that motherhood is on par with - if not more admirable than - all of the courageous, fulfilling, victorious, ground-breaking, dedicated lifestyles that exist in this world. Not only do I stand behind the fact that my mom holds true to this statement, but I also know that she whole-heartedly believes in this too. That's what makes her such a devout and caring mother.

Just as it says in these lyrics, my mom hasn't done any of these single life-altering acts. Rather, ever since she became pregnant with her first child 38 years ago, she has and will always continue to live her life filled with these types acts and choices that influence so many lives around her, especially her children.

"She didn't get a check every week like a nine-to fiver
But she's been a waiter, and a cook and a taxi driver

Living the life of a stay-at-home mom was no doubt a difficult job as a mother of so many children. But my mom did it and I could not be more grateful, amazed, and inspired! When I think about all of the things and people she had to tend to at any given time on any given day it blows my mind.

She told me a story once about when I was one year old and I wasn't eating as much as she knew to be healthy. She brought me to the doctor who ordered her to write down every food and drink that I was offered and did or did not consume. She was to bring this to a pediatrician in something like a week or two's time. As you can imagine, with me being the eighth child to tend to, this was a rather inconvenient and painstaking task. But, being the fabulously dedicated mother that she is, she took note of everything and reported to the pediatrician with a detailed list in hand. Unfortunately, in spite of her concerns and enduring efforts, the pediatrician quickly came to the conclusion that I was simply not interested in food at this point in time, and that I'll gradually grow out of it.
Me and Mom havin' a ball!
I love this story because it shows how much my mom was dedicated to the well being of her children and it just adds to my amazement that she is still such a kind, easy-going lady after having had to deal with countless frustrating scenarios such as this one.

"Giving all her love to her was her life's ambition"

This line couldn't be more true when talking about my mom. Mom's greatest attribute, as well as ambition, was giving all of her love to all of the ones she cared about. Writing this post reminds me of the one I wrote not too long ago about my sister. Alicia obviously learned a lot from my mom and the path that she chose to follow surely was influenced and inspired by the life of my mother's. Both my mom and Alicia have dedicated their lives to love. Giving love and teaching love. Both choosing a life that is fulfilling beyond any other and carrying out the dream that they have always dreamed of.

As much as I aspire to live this dream life at some point in the future as well, I'd like to think that I am a living reflection of another side of my mom. There is a part of my mom that gets so excited for me when I decide to venture off on my travels and, I don't know, maybe wishes a little that she was tagging along too. When I see that part of her come out I resist the feeling of guilt and replace it with pride. I don't believe that I should feel bad that I am doing these things and she isn't. I am proud that I can bring to life that dream that she didn't have the means to bring to life herself. I know that, just like Alicia, my mom is a hundred percent happy with the life decisions she has made and God knows she has made for a great role model in so many lives. So maybe it's a bit audacious of me to assume that I am a daughter carrying out her mother's dream - but it kinda makes it seem a little more worth it, you know. It makes me feel that much more excited to tell her about my experiences, and that much more eager to add more and more to the list. 

But, with all that aside, I can say with out a doubt that my mom is the number one woman who will not only always inspire and amaze me but will also drop anything to lend me a helping hand. Whether it be providing me with advice on how to get stains out or advice on how to deal with various relationship problems; or whether it be providing me with a vehicle to help me move or a joke to help me laugh, that lady is one outstanding mother!
I Love You, Mom!

"She's somebody's hero
A hero to her baby with a skinned up knee
A little kiss is all she needs"

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